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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Robot Alchemic Drive System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2004-04-21 03:41:28 Views : 14760 Completion Bonus Successfully complete the game to unlock all robots in versus mode. Superior Vavel As soon as you start getting money from killing Volgara, try to put as much as possible into making your character and Vavel more powerful by purchasing new attacks, thicker armor, and more ammunition for your weapons. Vavel's power is average at the start of the game, but if you build it up completely, it will be combat superior to all of the other enemies and Meganites, including Osmodeous. Vavel's Volcanic mode Vavel's Volcanic mode has the ability will allow you twice as much power in the normal mode. This can be very helpful if you are losing a fight. If you are not very skilled at controlling Vavel yet, you should only use it as a last resort. If you start off in volcanic mode and cannot control Vavel well enough, you may run out of time and lose the fight. This is also the same with Vavel's Genesis mode, only you gain about four times normal power. Faster intermission sequence During an intermission sequence, hold Start to fast forward it. Better View To get a better view and control of your mech while it fights, use your Gravity Boost (on the "Hero mode", hold Circle) and boost your way to the top of a nearby building. You can now get a much better view of your mech and the fight that it is in. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Robot Alchemic Drive cheat codes.
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